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The Skinny on MYSTICS IN BALI!!!

From the Mondo Macabro Myspace blog and the Fangoria website:

It's the film that launched Mondo Macabro in the U.K. and is our most requested title in the U.S. The one you thought you'd never see is now available in a brand new, pristine transfer, just in time for Halloween! From the director of DANGEROUS SEDUCTRESS, it's one of the damnedest things you've ever seen!

This is the film that introduced a new kind of monster to the world's cinema screens. A sensation on its initial release in Asia, MYSTICS IN BALI was deemed too bizarre and shocking to be screened in the west. Until now… This is the first time the film has been released in the U.S. and is completely uncut and digitally remastered from the rare original negative.

The film tells the story of a young American woman who goes to Asia in search of the secrets of ancient magic. One night in the forest, she encounters a female member of the terrifying cult of Leyak. She agrees to become the Leyak's disciple and begins to indulge in many strange and savage rites. But the Leyak witch has secret plans for her young acolyte. Plans that culminate in one of the most bizarre and shocking scenes in all horror cinema!

Mondo Macabro's DVD for MYSTICS IN BALI includes the following features:

*Brand new (2007) anamorphic transfer

*Original theatrical trailer

*Extensive background information

*Mondo Macabro's ever-popular preview reel

Mystics In Bali is presented in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio, enhanced for 16x9 TVs.

Look for Mondo Macabro's DVD for MYSTICS IN BALI in stores on October 2, 2007 at a retail price of $24.98.

In other important MM news, you can pre-order the upcoming (and totally awesome looking) THE BLOOD ROSE from Amazon here!


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